Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Coming Soon to Meters

For those of you already using Meters (or trying to decide whether or not to download it), know that there's a lot of functionality in store for future updates, and I'm always looking for suggestions for other features to add. Here's just a few things I'm planning on implementing:
  • Downloading workout history from Concept2.
  • Graphing your progress over time (ie, 2k splits).
  • Viewing calories burned for a specific workout.
I've got one other major feature planned that I don't want to mention here yet since it's still a ways off and I don't want anyone else to steal the idea. Now that classes are over for the summer I should have more time to work on Meters, so I'm hoping to have the next update ready within a week or two. Again, let me know if you have any features you'd like to see added.

Welcome to Power 1010

I am a rower and a nerd. It's not the most common combination, I know. If you're here, chances are you're at least one or the other. For my fellow nerds: a "power ten" is when you take ten strokes as hard as you can in a rowing race to catch or pass an opponent (like using a mushroom in Mario Kart). For my fellow rowers: 1010 is the binary equivalent of the number ten.

Let's get back to me: I've been rowing since I started high school (7 years ago), and I'm a computer science student at Washington University in St. Louis and especially a fan of the iPhone platform. So far, I've combined these interests into my first commercial application, "Meters - The Rower's Logbook," which you can buy right now on the App Store (hint hint).

This blog is for me to talk about the ongoing development process for Meters and any other projects I might work on in the future, as well as, well, whatever I feel like talking about. I hope that you find it to be some combination of informative and entertaining.